Kate gosselin bodyguard steve neild quit

Kate gosselin bodyguard steve neild quit, Kate Gosselin can always rely on her bodyguard and rumoured boyfriend Steve Neild, who 'is back' in her life after a brief absence.

The 39-year-old Kate Plus 8 star enjoyed the company of the very married Steve as she treated her brood to a family vacation in Massachusetts this week.

Kate and her children were spotted soaking up early American history at Plimoth Plantation museum in Plymouth, and Steve was there too to assure that the trip went off smoothly, RadarOnline is reporting.

An eyewitness told the news site that the grey-haired bodyguard provided a watchful buffer against curiosity seekers.
'We noticed Kate and her eight kids walking towards the entrance,' Jennifer Kelly told Radar. 'I had my camera in hand and when I went to take a picture of Kate and the kids, Steve Neild came around the car and ended up in the picture.'

Kelly continued: 'I was a bit shocked as he bolted around the corner. I said, "Hey, I know who you are" He said, "Who’s that?" And I said, "You’re Kate’s bodyguard, Steve." He replied, "Yup."

Steve rode there with Kate and the kids. My husband was about five feet behind me and he said that he saw Steve, Kate, and the kids getting out of her black sprinter van, the BBB, as she calls it.'
Although Kate and Steve have been spotted holding hands on other occasions this year, they were careful about not showing any displays of affection on this outing, Radar revealed.

Neild reportedly quit Kate earlier this summer and returned to his wife Gina, who defiantly posted a touching family snap of her, Neild and their two sons on her Facebook.

However, he's back in Kate's life now.

A camera crew was also following Neild, Kate and the twins, Cady and Mady, 12, and the 10-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Collin and Joel, Leah, Alexis and Hannah.

That suggests that Kate might be filming another Kate Plus 8 special along the lines of the two-part Kate Plus 8: The Sextuplets Turn 10 that aired on TLC in June.

'The film crew was shooting to the right of the photo, as Kate and the kids were heading in,' Kelly informed Radar.
'Steve kept standing in front of me and blocking my view. It was about 4:45 pm and they closed at 5 pm. I assume that they were either shooting for a new special or Kate Plus 8 is coming back.'

Kate and Steve fueled more romance rumours after they were seen together on August 5 at a One Direction concert in MetLife Stadium, New Jersey.