Moore shared his frustrations in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter at the Toronto Film Festival, where he was celebrating the 25th anniversary of his first documentary, Roger & Me.
“When the history is written of this era, this is how [Obama will] be remembered: ‘He was the first black president.’ Okay, not a bad accomplishment, but that’s it. That’s it, Mr. Obama. A hundred years from now, ‘he was the first black American that got elected president,’ and that’s it.”
The liberal filmmaker was also extremely critical of the president’s characterization of Detroit’s revival during his presidency, citing a letter he sent Obama in 2012.
“You did not save Detroit. You saved GM. You saved Chrysler. Detroit, at this point, would stand a better chance if they were an Iraqi or Syrian city, in terms of getting some sort of help.”
Moore, the hoodie and hat-wearing director of Bowling For Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, was a frequent critic of President George W. Bush’s administration.