Boy wanders on stage, hugs Pope Francis

Boy wanders on stage, hugs Pope Francis
Boy wanders on stage, hugs Pope Francis, Previous pontiffs have been a little stuffy and largely unapproachable to the common person. But not this Pope.

At an event in the Vatican this week, Catholic families from around the world gathered to celebrate the Year of Faith with His Holiness.

Six-year-old orphan Carlos was a little besotted with the leader of the world's Catholics.

Other popes may have sent the lad away, but Pope Francis showed the true meaning of the phrase Holy Father - acting like a proud father rather than a distant public figure.

Carlos, who was born in Colombia and was adopted by an Italian family last year, made his way on to stage as the Pontiff gave a speech.
Several cardinals tried to usher him away, even using lollies as a lure. But Carlos could not be moved.

here were even hugs and pats-on-the-head from Francis, who continued with his speech.

Carlos even plonked himself down in the Pope's chair and the two had a small discussion amongst themselves.

His adopted mother, who wished to remain anonymous, said none of this was planned.

"The blessing our son receives goes out to all the abandoned children in this world," she said via social media, Italian news sites reported.

"Just another display of the pope and his kindness."


Far be it for us to go all preachy, but we've got a fair idea that Jesus himself would have done something similar.