George Zimmerman ticketed for speeding in Florida, Zimmerman got a speeding ticket in Florida this week, his second traffic stop since he was acquitted of killing an unarmed black teenager, police said.
The Lake Mary Police Department said Zimmerman was pulled over Tuesday, the Orlando Sentinel reported. The department released a video of the traffic stop.
Zimmerman was given a ticket that carries a fine of $256, police said.
In late July, a few weeks after he was acquitted of second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman was pulled over in Forney, Texas, but was given a verbal warning.
The Lake Mary Police Department video shows Zimmerman being pulled over by an officer on a motorcycle. Zimmerman, now wearing a beard, was driving a Honda Ridgeline truck.
On the video, Zimmerman is unable to find the truck's registration during a search of his glove compartment.
He received a ticket only for speeding after the officer used a handheld computer to search for outstanding warrants and found none.
Lake Mary is a small city southwest of Sanford, where Zimmerman shot Martin and was tried.