Drug ‘Molly’ Causing Arrests and Death

Drug ‘Molly’ Causing Arrests and Death, Two people were pulled over on Saturday night a little after 7:00 in Brookline, MA. They were on the intersection of Commonwealth Ave and Pleasant Street. Police officers smelled burned marijuana coming from the car and saw what looked like the two passengers smoking something.

When officers asked the passengers about the marijuana, the driver handed them a marijuana joint that he and the passenger had been smoking.

22 year old Jillian Manos of Danvers, Ma was driving the car. She was charged with a possession of a class B drug, Oxycodone. She also was carrying less than an ounce of marijuana, which caused her to get cited for possession.

30 year old Kyle Dussourd of Brighton, MA possessed 2 pills that had a brown coating around them. They contained a brown crystal substance inside. One of the police officers recognized this as being the drug ‘molly’. According to boston.com, the officer recognized “the drug “Molly” because of the recent overdose and death of a patron at the House of Blues in Boston and a flyer published by the Boston Regional Intelligence Center about the drug, according to a police report.”

The police repost also contained information on a warrant that was previously out for Dussourd’s arrest for a motor vehicle offense. When they searched him, they found the ‘molly’ along with Bupropion and some other drugs.

Many other case involving ‘molly’ have recently been in the news. Many young adults take what they think is ‘molly’, but actually turns out to be something more potent, such as bath salts. Since 2004 the number of emergecy room visits involving ‘molly’ has doubled, according to NBC News.