Police have indentified gunman in Phoenix Murder–suicide tragedy

Police have indentified gunman in Phoenix Murder–suicide tragedy, Authorities have identified the shooting suspects who killed himself after the death of four members of his family causeway. The suspect is a man named Driss Diaeddinn. According to his neighbors, this incident occured due to disputes over the family business. To note, this family has a limousine rental business and also a restaurant in Phoenix. When the crossfire between SWAT and Driss was happening, the shooter’s wife managed to escape with her child through the back door.

According to shooter’s neighbors, Scott Pollack, Driss seemed very depressed before this incident occurred. Police said that each victim was shot more than 1. This fact shows that the suspects was in a very bad psychological condition.

Diaedinn’s wife escaped from a rear entrance when the gunfire started, and she had with her her 3-year-old toddler and a 10-month-old infant; another woman that had hidden in the bathroom also escaped from the house one hour when the police standoff with Diaeddinn began before he took his own life.

“She looked pretty disheveled, she looked like she was very stressed out, very upset,” neighbor Scott Pollack told reporters on Friday. “She had her hands raised above her head, and she was walking out fairly slowly.”

The family were Moroccans with a limousine service and restaurant business in Phoenix, and an acquaintance said they had been fighting over their business for years. They also had several homes in their Phoenix neighborhood for parking cars.

Diaeddinn was said to have a temper and had only been married to Reda for less than a year. Police said each of the victims had been shot multiple times and that Diaeddinn had a self-inflicted gunshot wound and a gun next to his body.

“It’s very obvious, whether it’s the heat, passion or the anger of what happened, he certainly went to great lengths to make sure each of them were dead,” Sgt. Trent Crump said.

It was Diaeddinn’s wife that called 911 while escaping the house with the two young kids. Gunshots were heard in the background as she spoke to 911.

“To have to go out the back of a home, taking two kids with you while you’re on the phone with 911 while shots are being fired, it sounds like a very heroic act on her part,” Sgt. Crump said in a news report. “To have the other female come out later is pretty miraculous.”