Miley Cyrus pregnant

Miley Cyrus pregnant, Miley Cyrus Pregnant For Usain Bolt? Well its Juicy J whose name was called on her belly . we heard he came so fast she called him Usain Bolt. Following a report that Miley announced her pregnancy with her musical collaborator Juicy J on stage at the BET Hip Hop Awards, EXCLUSIVELY learned the truth behind the claims! Get all the details here.

Miley Cyrus shocked us all when a report claimed she announced that she was pregnant with rapper Juicy J‘s baby at the BET Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta, Georgia on Sept. 29. learned EXCLUSIVELY what really happened.

Miley Cyrus Pregnancy Rumor — The Truth Behind The Report Revealed
While Miley is no stranger to having shocking moments on stage, a pregnancy announcement apparently was not one of those moments!

“Miley Cyrus was not in attendance at this weekend’s “BET Hip Hop Awards” in Atlanta, GA,” a BET publicist told

“She is not pregnant,” a source close to Miley told “She is not worried about the rumors but will definitely allow the rumors to continue as it gets her name out and she has an album to sell. So, no news is bad news!”

Miley Cyrus Reacts To Pregnancy Report
Pregnancy rumors blew up after a report came out that Juicy J, 38, took to the BET Hip Hop Awards stage said of Miley “I assure you she’s been doing a lot more than twerking,” according to other sources. The site reported that following his comment, Miley then blurted out that she’s pregnant!