Fast and Furious 7 record

Fast and Furious 7 record, The dust hadn’t even settled yet from its massive record-setting debut, and the adrenaline-fueled action-adventure sequel Furious 7 was racing to a second weekend that propelled the blockbuster phenomenon to the $800 million mark. Now, it appears the film is barely slowing down as it sets its sights on a third weekend #1 finish at the top of the box office charts. More incredibly, all indications are that when the receipts are tallied through close of business Sunday, Furious 7 will finish somewhere between $950 and possibly $1 billion or more.

If Furious 7 hits $1 billion, it will be among the fastest film in history to reach that number, along with 2012′s The Avengers, Avatar, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Come Sunday, Furious 7 will have had 19 days to approach or top the now-magical $1 billion threshold. The Avengers also managed to reach $1 billion in 19 days of release, as it blew past every record on the books for a final box office take good enough for third place on the all-time box office list. But The Avengers also retains all of the domestic records for fastest to $100 million, to $200 million, to $300 million, to $400 million, and fastest to $500 million. In addition, The Avengers holds records for 3-day, 4-day, 5-day, 6-day, 7-day, 8-day, 9-day, and 10-day grosses in the U.S.

These numbers tell us a couple of important things. First, Furious 7 is performing close to the rate of The Avengers overall, a film that had less screens but enjoyed the added oomph of 3D ticket pricing, but on the other hand doesn’t have quite the domestic legs and is relying on many more screens for its box office haul overseas. The former means its going to slow at home faster than The Avengers, while the latter means that foreign audiences who want to see Furious 7 have much more opportunity to have done so already and will start thinning out in a couple of weeks. Adjusting for these factors, it looks undeniable that Furious 7 isn’t going to quite keep up a pace on par with Marvel’s superhero team-up, and so is unlikely to reach the same final tally even if it didn’t face stiff competition starting next week.

But even if it might’ve potentially challenged The Avengers for third place on the all-time box office charts had it continued to have a clear road ahead, competition is definitely about to arrive — fittingly, perhaps — in the form of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. That film starts opening in foreign markets on April 22nd, and then comes to North America on May 1st. When it arrives, it’s going to suck most of the oxygen out of the room and then dominate the box office for many weeks.Regardless, by Sunday Furious 7 should enter the top-25 grossing films of all time, and if it does do $1 billion then it might replace The Dark Knight at the #19 position. The following weekend — it’s fourth in release — is likely to see it challenging for a spot in the top-10 highest grossing movies in history.

Where will it end its run? I’m guessing somewhere in the $1.2 billion range, give or take a few million bucks. But of course, if its future weekends are as overachieving as its previous weekends have been, it might rise higher, to the tune of maybe $1.3 billion. Meaning eventually, Furious 7 should be sitting somewhere between #4 and #7 on the all-time list.