Too early garbageman sentenced

Too early garbageman sentenced, In news that only seems like it must have been posted by satirical site The Onion, a Sandy Springs man is facing a ridiculous jail sentence.

According to the Atlanta Sun Times, Kevin McGill will spend 14 weekends in jail because he picked up trash minutes after 5 a.m. The city solicitor claims this is an offense worthy of jail time and that calls to the cities 911 services increase when trash pickup occurs before 7:00 in the morning.

Chief prosecutor Bill Riley told reporters that picking up trash too early in the morning is an ongoing problem and nothing he has tried in the past has stopped the issue. As a result he requested the judge to sentence McGill to 30 days in jail.

“Fines don’t seem to work,” Riley said. “The only thing that seems to stop the activity is actually going to jail.”

Seems crazy to us to put a man in jail for simply doing his job.

What do you think?