NRA Mocks Giffords In Cruel Tweet

NRA Mocks Giffords In Cruel Tweet, Hitting a new low in its bullying barrage against gun laws, the National Rifle Association on Thursday targeted Gabrielle Giffords in an attack mocking her 2011 shooting.

“Gabby Giffords: Everyone Should Have to Pass Background Check My Attacker Passed,” the NRA tweeted from its main account.

The tweet — which one lawmaker called “pathetic” — aimed to argue that background checks don’t reduce gun violence and linked to an article on the right-wing Breitbart website. That story notes Jared Loughner, the crazed gunman who nearly killed Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, is among mass murderers who passed a background check to buy the gun they used.

Giffords, then a U.S. representative, was among 18 people Loughner wounded. He killed six.Giffords, while still fighting brain damage, has become an advocate for tougher gun laws. With her husband Mark Kelly, she runs Americans for Responsible Solutions, which supports efforts to reduce gun violence.

The former congresswoman drew NRA fire for joining a bipartisan group of House members Wednesday to reoffer legislation to strengthen federal background checks. Senate Republicans blocked the bill in 2013, though it won votes from a majority of senators.

“Stopping gun violence takes courage. Now is the time to come together,” Giffords said Wednesday. “We must never stop fighting.”

The NRA has previously treaded carefully in public references to Giffords. Thursday’s tweet marked the most direct attack by the gun group and the first to reference her shooting, sources said.

Giffords declined through a spokesman to respond to attack. But other lawmakers blasted the NRA.

“The NRA’s brazen response is as predictable as it is pathetic,” said Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-L.I.), who with Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.) is among co-sponsors the new background check bill.Rice called the attack “blatant fear-mongering and desperate intimidation” aimed at derailing common-sense laws.

“Gabby Giffords is a fighter,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), a friend of Giffords, said in a statement to The News. “Personal attacks on Twitter are not going to stop her from working hard every single day to pass common sense gun safety laws that save lives.”

Supporters of the law say that though some shooters like Loughner may pass background checks, a uniform federal requirement would stop many other dangerous people from buying gun and reduce gun violence rates.

“No one can deny the fact that it will help prevent violent criminals from buying guns,” Rice said.