Cute mugshot girl

Cute mugshot girl, The so-called Cute Mugshot Girl is back again with another "cute" photo spread – too bad it’s the police booking officers that are behind this not so-top model’s sublime crime mugshot. Someone tell this law-breaking lass that one can get their face out there without actually engaging in illegalities. Her face may be cute; her rap sheet is quite repulsive.

Writes the HuffPost on March 5: “Alysa Bathrick, 18, whose booking photo went viral last year after she shared it on Twitter, was collared again Monday in Raleigh, North Carolina on shoplifting charges…She appears to revel in the fame she cultivated when she posted her mugshot on Dec. 1 last year with the tweet, ‘Surrendered myself at 7 a.m., got released at 11:30 a.m. F*** what you heard. And my mugshot’s cute.’”

What a catch. Self absorbed, vulgar and cute on top of it? Line up boys. The mug shot camera loves her, no?

Adds the Daily Mail: “The bad girl’s outlaw attitude and model looks earned her an instant following as ‘Cute Mug Shot Girl’ from lovestruck web lurkers offering to bail her out.”

When Twitter followers, enamored with her pic and eager to bond her out asked what caused her to get into trouble in the first place, she replied with a casual: “Xanax homie.”

“Hot convict” Jeremy Meeks and now Alysa Bathrick. What does it say about us as a society when we automatically play down any misdeed by a felonious delinquent just because we like the way their face looks?

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