Chief prosecutor says Bali Nine duo will be executed ‘this week for sure’… as it is revealed their appeals will NOT delay the process

Chief prosecutor says Bali Nine duo will be executed ‘this week for sure’… as it is revealed their appeals will NOT delay the process, Any pending legal appeals will not delay the execution of the Bali Nine duo and the eight other drug smuggles, the Indonesian Attorney General has confirmed.

This comes as Bali's chief prosecutor Momock Bambang Samiarso announced Australian death row inmates Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be moved to 'Death Island' where they will be executed this week.

HM Prasetyo also confirmed that the preparations for the mass death by firing squad were '95 per cent' ready as Chan and Sukumaran's lawyers are planning to lodge an appeal within the next week.

However, HM Prasetyo said following the clemency plea rejection there were no more 'no more legal avenues left', The Sydney Morning Herald reported...Read More