They won't be able to escape': Indonesian police run through grim rehearsal of Bali Nine drug smugglers' move from prison to 'Death Island'... as it is revealed the pair could be transferred on SUNDAY

They won't be able to escape': Indonesian police run through grim rehearsal of Bali Nine drug smugglers' move from prison to 'Death Island'... as it is revealed the pair could be transferred on SUNDAY, More than 20 heavily-armed officers will escort the handcuffed Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan on to the military plane that takes them to their execution.

Indonesian authorities put on a show of force in Bali on Friday, demonstrating how the Australian drug smugglers will be taken from Kerobokan jail to the penal island Nusakambangan.

It has also emerged the Bali Nine pair could be making the move to 'Death Island' on Sunday with confirmation from authorities that arrangements for their transfer has now been finalised, the Daily Telegraph reports.

Police mobile brigade (Brimob) commander Rudy Harianto, who invited the media to a simulation of their transfer from jail to the airport in armoured vehicles, told The Sydney Morning Herald they 'are ready at any given time' and is confident that prisoners 'will not be able to escape'. ....Read More