MSNBC cancels Ronan Farrow's show less than one year after it launched to much fanfare

MSNBC cancels Ronan Farrow's show less than one year after it launched to much fanfare, MSNBC have cancelled Ronan Farrow Daily after the show's flailing ratings hit a record-low of just 11,000 viewers earlier this month.
However anchor Ronan Farrow is being kept on at the network, and will move into roles during prime-time specials, and work as a correspondent.

The 27-year-old journalist - the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen - sent out an optimistic Tweet about his future at MSNBC on Wednesday, before news broke Thursday that his show had been axed.
'Excited about new role - more to come,' he posted.

The network also canceled Joy Reid‘s daytime show The Reid Report, according to Mediaite. Both programs will be replaced by a new two-hour show anchored by Thomas Roberts. The show will run from 1-3pm daily to fill the gap.

Politico are reporting that MSNBC hope for their daytime programming to be exclusively 'news-focused'.
The schedule also features The Daily Rundown and Andrea Mitchell Reports. Ronan Farrow Daily launched on February 24, 2014, meaning it didn't last a full year on-air.

Just three days after its launch, Farrow controversially won The Cronkite Award for Excellence in Exploration and Journalism.

Many remarked the prestigious award amounted to three hours of airtime.However the Cronkite Foundation said it was based on his work since 2001, including being a UNICEF Spokesperson for Youth.

The awards night coincided with further drama, after Woody Allen suggested he wasn't Ronan's biological father and that Frank Sinatra actually was.

Allen wrote that Ronan could have been fathered by Sinatra and claimed that mother Mia Farrow may have been lying about it for decades.

The Annie Hall director said Ronan, his only biological child with Farrow, ‘looks a lot like Frank’ thanks to his blue eyes and similar facial features.

Allen said that if it were true then Farrow would have kept a dark secret during their bitter custody battle 21 years ago to make him pay child support.

Allen’s claims were in response to an article in Vanity Fair magazine in which Farrow said that Sinatra was ‘possibly’ Ronan’s father.

Writing in the New York Times, he also for the first time publicly addressed allegations he abused his adopted daughter Dylan and called them ‘ludicrous’.