Man falls off 4,000ft World's End cliff – and lives to the tell the tale

Man falls off 4,000ft World's End cliff – and lives to the tell the tale, This man has had a lucky escape after he was rescued from the side of a 4,000ft cliff known as the “World’s End”.

Mamitho Lendas from the Netherlands was trying to a take photo of his new wife at the famous tourist spot in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka when he took a few steps too far back and fell off the edge.

The 35-year-old plummeted 160ft before his fall was broken by a tree and he was left hanging on for dear life.The emergency services managed to haul the Dutch tourist back to the top after three hours using a long piece of rope.

Footage shows the incredible rescue involving members of the Sri Lankan army from a nearby camp. He was then taken by a stretcher to a waiting ambulance and went to hospital.

Mr Lendas told journalists that it was "the longest three and a half hours of my life".

According to local media, the couple were on their honeymoon when the incident happened.