German Parliament Overwhelmingly Approves Greece's 4-Month Bailout Extension

German Parliament Overwhelmingly Approves Greece's 4-Month Bailout Extension, Germany's Parliament overwhelmingly approved the four-month extension of Greece's financial bailout on Friday, despite unease over the new government in Athens.

Lawmakers voted 542-32 to back the bailout extension. There were 13 abstentions.

Greece was granted the extension by its European creditors in exchange for a commitment to budget reforms. Germany is among the countries that needed to approve the deal in its national parliament.

"This is not about new billions for Greece, not about changing this program," Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble assured Parliament ahead of the vote. "It's about providing additional time to complete this program successfully."

Comments by Greek officials casting doubt on privatization deals and raising the possibility of further debt relief had irked some in Germany in the run-up to the vote.

Schaeuble said that "we Germans should do everything to keep Europe together and bring it together, as far as we can.".........Read More