CPAC: Jeb Bush survives conservative grassroots gauntlet

CPAC: Jeb Bush survives conservative grassroots gauntlet, Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has the money, national profile and, yes, last name to mount a convincing campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

The one thing he didn't have was the support of much of the crowd during this week's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Mentioning Mr Bush was a good way to prompt a smattering of boos on Thursday. On Friday morning conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham repeatedly bashed the governor, joking that he and Hillary Clinton "could run on the same ticket".

When he took the stage on Friday afternoon, however, the hall was packed, a rumoured mass walkout didn't materialise, and any boos were drowned out by more cheers.....Read More