China Suspends Ivory Imports, But African Elephants Still In Danger Of Extinction

China Suspends Ivory Imports, But African Elephants Still In Danger Of Extinction, China on Thursday suspended the import of ivory carvings for one year, marking a small step toward limiting the ivory demand that drives the slaughter of tens of thousands of African elephants.

While the suspension signaled a symbolic victory for conservationists, many environmental groups noted that Africa’s elephant population remains in grave danger of extinction unless governments in China and Africa take stronger steps to protect the animals.

Chinese ivory markets provide the payoff at the end of a long supply chain, one that begins on the plains of sub-saharan Africa and flows through smuggling operations in southeast Asia. In Africa, ivory is increasingly a prime source of funds for armed conflict, taking on a role similar to blood diamonds that are traded for cash and then weapons. The New York Times reported in 2012 that experts say up to 70 percent of illegal ivory ends up in China.........Read More