Bill O'Reilly Falklands

Bill O'Reilly Falklands, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly used a 10-minute segment on his show to attack a reporter who accused him of lying about reporting from the Falkands War.

Left-leaning publication Mother Jones alleged that O'Reilly falsely claimed to have been 'in the war zone' where he 'survived combat' while covering the 1982 war for CBS News.

Slamming the magazine's reporter David Corn as 'an irresponsible guttersnipe' and a 'liar' operating on 'the bottom rung of journalism in America', O'Reilly hit back at the report on his Friday episode of The O'Reilly Factor: Talking Points Memo.

He told his 1.7 million viewers he spent an evening 'crawling around my basement in the dust' to find what he claims to be two internal CBS memos that refute Corn's allegations.

And a guest star - Fox News' Geraldo Rivera - likened Corn's investigation to Joseph McCarthy's communist manhunt.
The dispute comes a week after Brian Williams was unceremoniously kicked off the air by NBC for lying about his time in Iraq.

Claiming to be a victim of a politically motivated sting, O'Reilly said on air on Friday: 'Everything I've said about my reportorial career is true.'

He started by taking down his attackers: 'Mother Jones, which has low circulation, is considered by many the bottom rung of journalism in America.

'However, in this internet age, the defamation they put forth gets exposure.
'And so I have to deal with this garbage tonight. I'm sorry.
'Basically David Corn, a liar, says that I exaggerated situations in the Falklands War and Salvadoran War. Here is the truth...'

He goes on to explain that he never claimed to be operating from the Falklands, and insists he did witness violent riots with police shooting in Argentina's capital of Buenos Aires in June 1982.