United States issues worldwide travel alert

United States issues worldwide travel alert, The United States has issued a worldwide travel warning on Jan. 9. This global statement that asks sojourners to be cautious when visiting any country or city came about due to recent events that happened not only in France but all over this planet. Friday's statement replaces a former type of alert that was issued Oct. 10 of last year.According to the Associated Press via ABC, the alert came about almost immediately following news that law enforcement in France killed a couple of men at large. These two men were allegedly responsible for the horrific Jan. 7 attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine when a dozen employees were murdered while holding a staff meeting.

Another attack during the so-called "54 hours of anguish" took place on Jan. 9 at a Jewish grocery store in the City of Light in a terrorist attack being called an anti-semitic act. To end this tragic situation, French SWAT team stormed the Kosher outpost after which time terrified hostages spilled outside. It was a siege during which one hostage had been held in a refrigerator and during which killed "the two al-Qaida-linked brothers who staged a murderous rampage at a satirical newspaper."

And so, the State Department's warning came about, noting that in recent times "organized extremist attacks" have taken place or -- at the very least -- were planned to take place "in various European countries."

United States issues worldwide travel alert via the State Department stated, in part, "Kidnappings and hostage events involving U.S. citizens have become increasingly prevalent as ISIL, al Qa`ida and its affiliates have increased attempts to finance their operations through kidnapping for ransom operations."

Americans are urged by the State Department to be on high alert as they collectively travel throughout the world.