NYPD Commissioner to Cops: "Start Working Again"

NYPD Commissioner to Cops: "Start Working Again", Top NYPD officials are demanding increased summons activity after a weeks-long slowdown, the New York Post reports. Borough commanders have reportedly mandated that precincts deliver "activity sheets" detailing the number of arrests and summons per shift. Officers have reportedly also been threatened with a loss of vacation time.

Police officers around the city are now threatened with transfers, no vacation time and sick time unless they write summonses," an unnamed union source told the Post. "This is the same practice that caused officers to be labeled racist and abusers of power."

"To have all the manpower utilized for the sole purpose of writing summonses is a very dangerous way to utilize manpower," an officer in Queens' 105th Precinct said. "This is not what we're out here for."

The increased pressure seems to be coming as a result of Commissioner Bratton's dictum earlier this week to union leaders, commanding officers, and the NYPD's rank-and-file to "start working again." Police activity has slumped heavily since the shooting of two officers in December. Union officials deny that there is an organized work stoppage.

"I don't know what the cause is," Bratton told the New York Times. "That's 30,000-some-odd officers; that their motivations might be different for different ones."

Some precincts and platoons have slowed more rapidly than others, and will receive "management attention." "We have been very carefully identifying where we have issues that would require closer supervision," Bratton said, while also claiming that he was "not driving activity levels."

During the overnight shift from Friday into Saturday at the 105th Precinct, though, the Post reports that officers were told not to return to the precinct or even to take meal breaks until they had logged at least two summons.