Top five celebrity diva moments of 2014

Top five celebrity diva moments of 2014, 1. Justin Bieber Where do we even begin? In 2014, Bieber hit peak brat. He bragged about hooking up with Miranda Kerr while she was married to Orlando Bloom. In another charming move, he sent a selfie of his bulging crotch to a model.

But his biggest brat moment was during a taped deposition earlier in the year. Rude and unco-operative, the singer refused to answer the judge's questions and became angry when asked about  off-again girlfriend Selena Gomez. "Don't ask me about her again," he said several times, wagging his finger.

2. Ariana Grande

The pint-sized singer of Better Left Unsaid, ought to take her own advice. The 21-year-old has been called the female version of Bieber with her growing reputation for being obnoxious, arrogant and saying things that are better left unsaid. She caused a commotion in Australia when she shocked photographers with her diva-like demands.

"Don't use natural light" and "Do shoot only from the left side of her face", they were ordered. When they didn't obey, she walked out.She took her poor fame form a step further when she was apparently rude about her fans after a radio interview in September.

"She did autographs and pics and was all smiles until she got into the elevator," a stunned industry insider told NY Daily News. "And as soon as the doors shut she said, 'I hope they all f—king die'."

3. Mariah Carey

Due to perform for NBC's Christmas tree-lighting in New York, the notorious diva never turned up, leaving the live audience waiting. After three long hours producers eventually decided to cancel the show.

"Her camp kept saying she was 10 minutes away, which was technically true because her hotel, the Palace Hotel, is about a 10-minute ride away from [the tree-lighting location]," a source chuckled to NY Daily News. "But she was not en route!"

Mariah had to perform live the next day, but the performance was widely slammed as not worth the [extra long] wait. 4. Kanye West

It's tough to call whether Kanye or Kim is more of a diva in the relationship. But, we'll give it to Kanye by a Louis Vuitton shoe. He is said to have previously asked for his dressing room to be changed to all white, the carpets ironed and been caught on camera having a tantrum when technical issues upset his performance.

In Cannes, this June, he requested all labels be removed from the water bottles on the table during a filmed interview lest he be associated with a brand that hadn't paid him their dues for the publicity. But his biggest dummy spit moment was when famed photographer Annie Leibovitz didn't turn up to shoot his wedding to Kim.

Despite insisting she had never been confirmed, West had the gall to say that Leibovitz, who has photographed many of the world's biggest stars, was "afraid of celebrity", before adding that he spent four days perfecting the couple's first-released wedding photo.

5. Kendall Jenner

She might be becoming bigger than Kim, but Kendall is also being accused of being the biggest brat in the Kardashian clan.

Apparently cranky alongside sister Kylie, left fans unimpressed while launching their book earlier in the year.

"They posed with the novel for three minutes, scowled and refused to answer questions, then sat down for their obligatory book signing with all the enthusiasm of teenagers in a summer school algebra class," NY Daily News reported, adding that the girls left soon after, despite the bookstore's staff begging them to stay.

"The whole event was a joke," one attendee said. "These girls are really getting ideas above their standing in life. This type of diva behaviour will come back to bite them in the a**."

Well, clearly it didn't because not long after Kendall was again accused of bad behaviour.

Apparently annoyed at not being served alcohol because she is under-age, the 19-year-old model walked out of a restaurant without paying her bill.

The waitress allegedly chased after Kendall, who eventually threw some money (but not the entire amount) in her face.

Kendall later took to Twitter to denied any wrongdoing, tweeting that she was raised "better than that".