Six charts that show how North Korea became the most miserable place on earth

Six charts that show how North Korea became the most miserable place on earth, This month, the Security Council of the United Nations will vote on whether to refer North Korea to The Hague for abuses against humanity.

The UN has already passed a draft resolution calling for sanctions against Pyongyang, after it released a 372-page dossier listing the testimonies of escapees who spoke of murder, torture and rape carried out by the totalitarian regime.
Chair of the committee Michael Kirby compared the atrocities to the worst excesses of the Nazi regime in Germany and Cambodia under Pol Pot.

But despite this, any vote to bring Kim Jong-un's government in front of The Hague is likely to be vetoed by Security Council members China and Russia.

For all the politics, the divergence between life in the two Koreas has never been starker. Here are some of the indicators of how badly life has deteriorated for the 24 million people living in the Hermit Kingdom.

1. Poor and getting poorer

For the first two decades after WWII, there was little difference in the economic prosperity between the North and South, with GDP per capita in both countries at roughly the same level.

The divergence in fortunes began in the early 1970s when South Korea embarked on a series of market-based economic reforms that resulted in its living standards rising at one of the fastest rates in the world.

South Korea is now a member of the G20 group of countries. By contrast, its Communist neighbour has stagnated under the banner of economic "self-sufficiency" and rigid centralised planning over the last half century.
Nominal GDP per capita in North Korea is among the lowest of any country in the world, ranking it 180th out of 193 countries according to the UN, and around half of the country's population, or 12 million people, are estimated to live in "extreme poverty".

2. Life and death

The average North Korean will die 12 years younger than someone in the South. Life expectancy in the Hermit Kingdom is around 69, compared to over 81 in South Korea.

3. Starvation

Poor life expectancy is linked to severe food crises that have long blighted North Korea.
A devastating famine in the 1990s saw between 600,000 and 2.5 million people die of hunger as the regime obstructed the delivery of aid to the worst-affected regions.

The legacy of the famine continues to have an impact on current generations, as a third of all children are stunted due to malnutrition, according to the World Food Program.

For many of the children of North Korea, it’s already too late. They've been dealt a life sentence of impaired mental functioning and impaired physical development - John Aylieff, the WFP’s deputy regional director for Asia.
An average North Korean's diet is heavily composed of poor forms of carbohydrates such as wheat and rice, and severely lacking in proteins. The medieval nature of the agricultural production in the country has also meant that an average North Korean is 3 inches shorter than a South Korean.

4. Militarisation

With its military ranks swelling to nearly 1.2 million, North Korea boasts the largest per capita army in the world.
Nearly five per cent of its entire population counts as "active-duty military personnel", a rate more than double that of any of its Asian neighbours.

The country also has the longest conscription period of any nation in the world, with compulsory service lasting 10 years for men who must join aged 17, and seven years for women.

Yet despite boasting the mantle of the most "militarised nation on earth", the current regime has called for a "voluntary" extension of the minimum conscription term as it struggles to maintain its troop numbers, partly as a result of the famine which has decimated a generation of potential new recruits.

5. Economic freedoms

Unsurprisingly, North Korea ranks rock-bottom in an index of openess and economic freedom.
But what is perhaps most startling is the gulf between the Communist country and its fellow international "pariahs". Registering a measly score of 1.0 (down from 1.5 in 2013), North Korea ranks far behind the likes of Cuba, Zimbabwe and Iran on measures such as rule of law, labour freedom and trade.

Heritage, who compile the index, note: "North Korea has remained an unreformed and essentially closed dictatorial state. Corruption is endemic at every level of the state and economy. A modern judicial system does not exist."

6. Defections

Yet for all the abject misery that is life in the Hermit Kingdom, many North Koreans are now finding it more difficult than ever to flee the regime.

Since Kim Jong-un came to power in 2012, the totalitarian state has battened down its border controls with the South.
The average number of defections to South Korea has dropped below the 2,000 mark for two consecutive years, according to the Ministry of Unification, which is based in the country.

Approximately 26,000 North Koreans have fled across the Korean border since the 1990s, with China, Russia, and Japan also destinations for North Korean defectors, but in much smaller numbers.

Any vote held by the UN's general assembly on North Korea is likely to be symbolic. Despite the harrowing testimonies of those who managed to escape the regime, Kim Jong-Un is unlikely to be facing justice in front of The Hague any time soon.
For all the stories of Kim Jong-un's ankles, his awkward photo-shoots, and the occasional presence of Dennis Rodman, in truth, the Hermit Kingdom remains one of the most oppressive and secretive states in modern history.
Crimes against humanity?