Sad Joe Biden meme

Sad Joe Biden meme, Whether Vice President Joe Biden is happy or sad, his reactions are quite expressive -- and they're frequent fodder for Internet memes. The latest is "Sad Joe Biden," in which the veep gazes gravely out a window.

Lots of Sad Joe Biden memes popped up on, with the vice president mourning a number of tragedies: He didn't get a train set for Christmas, his pet bunny ran away, the First Lady won't let him eat tater tots because they're not healthy. Sad!

Photo service Getty Images published the photo on September 18, after Biden and President Obama met with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in the Oval Office. But the snap of the contemplative Biden spread more quickly this weekend after outlets including Buzzfeed invited readers to submit captions.

Biden's other unwitting contributions to the 2014 Internet meme engine include laughing during the State of the Union address and eating ice cream while wearing aviators and flashing cash. And that was in the autumn alone. So buck up, Joe -- you've done well for the Internet!