North Korea demands joint inquiry with US into Sony hacking scandal

North Korea demands joint inquiry with US into Sony hacking scandal, North Korea has demanded a joint inquiry with the US into the Sony hacking scandal.

The regime on Saturday proposed that the Washington and Pyongyang conduct a joint inquiry into the affair, threatening "grave consequences" if its wishes were ignored.

The move came as Sony hit back at President Barack Obama over his criticisms of the movie giant for pulling its film The Interview.

The head of Sony Pictures said his studio had not "caved in" and was still looking for ways to show the film at the centre of the North Korean hacking scandal.

Michael Lynton, the studio's chief executive, hit back after President Barack Obama accused Sony of making a "mistake" in pulling its comedy The Interview from cinemas under pressure from Pyongyang-backed cyber-criminals. Speaking on Friday night, Mr Obama said he wished Sony "had talked to me first."

But in direct contradiction of the president Mr Lynton said: "I did reach out to senior folks at the White House. The White House was certainly aware of the situation."

Breaking his long public silence over the cyber attack, which came to light on Nov 24, Mr Lynton told CNN: "I don’t know exactly whether he (Mr Obama) understands the sequence of events. In this instance the president, the press and the public are mistaken as to what actually happened.

"We have not caved. We have not given in. We have persevered and we have not backed down I would make the movie again. We would still like the public to see this movie, absolutely."

He said Sony had only pulled the film, which centres on an assassination plot against Kim Jong-un, from its scheduled Christmas Day release because most of America's cinemas refused to show it after threats of violence from the hackers. That had left Sony with "no alternative."

But Mr Lynton said the studio was still "actively" looking for ways to get the film out on "other platforms." However, that was difficult because many digital services were worried about being hacked themselves.
He told CNN: “There has not been one major VOD (video on demand) distributor or e-commerce site that said they are willing to distribute this movie for us."

The Sony boss's war of words with the president came despite his being a long time supporter of Mr Obama. He backed Mr Obama's Senate campaign before he was a presidential contender.

And he has personally donated more than $50,000 to the Democratic National Committee since 2011. That year, Mr Obama held a fundraiser at the Sony studio.

"I would be fibbing to say I wasn't disappointed," Mr Lynton said of the president's comments.
However, shortly after the Sony Pictures chief executive spoke, Mr Obama returned fire and dismissed the suggestion that the White House had been consulted by Sony about pulling the film from cinemas.
In an interview with CNN he said the studio had been in contact about the fact it was being hacked but did not mention cancelling the film.

A White House official said it was "categorically incorrect" to suggest the Obama administration had been aware The Interview was to be shelved.

Mr Lynton's public announcement that he still wants to show the film somehow comes despite a recent message from the hackers, emailed to senior Sony executives, demanding it not be seen "in any form" such as DVD or VOD.

Meanwhile, Mr Obama has pledged a "proportional response" against North Korea but he appeared to have few options.
Republican Senator John McCain called the hacking an "act of war" and there were calls for North Korea to face sanctions and be designated a state sponsor of terror. Former president George W Bush removed the hermit country from the list of state sponsors of terror in 2008.

But James Lewis, a cyber war expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said: "I'm sure they're exploring covert options, but also looking at it through the prism of 'We don't want to start an armed conflict on the Korean peninsula'. North Korea has another advantage, they don't have an economy."

North Korea on Saturday called for a joint investigation into the attack, claiming it had means to prove Pyongyang had nothing to do with it.

"As the United States is spreading groundless allegations and slandering us, we propose a joint investigation with it into this incident," said a spokesman for the North's foreign ministry.

"Without resorting to such tortures as were used by the US CIA, we have means to prove that this incident has nothing to do with us," the spokesman was quoted as saying by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

The spokesman also warned the US of "grave consequences" if the proposal for the joint investigation was rejected.
"We will never tolerate anyone who insults our highest authority. But in case we have to retaliate, we would not carry out terrorist attacks on innocent viewers at movie theatres but stage frontal attacks on those who are responsible for the hostile activities against the DPRK (North Korea) and their headquarters.

"The United States must bear it mind that grave consequences would follow if it rejects our proposal and continues blabbering about so-called retaliations against us."