George Clooney Wants ‘The Interview’ Released On Demand Immediately, The Interview” might be dead in the water — its stars quiet, and its release now cancelled indefinitely after North Korean hackers threatened “a bitter fate” for anyone who dared to screen or see the film — but it still has one powerful champion in Hollywood. George Clooney, who began circulating a petition last week that asked Hollywood’s top brass to stand in solidarity with Sony (and with the all-American right to free expression), is now speaking out about the importance of making “The Interview” available to the public.
“This is a silly comedy, but the truth is, what it now says about us is a whole lot. We have a responsibility to stand up against this,” Clooney told Deadline.
The actor’s anger is palpable; while he doesn’t name names, he says that none of the top brass in Hollywood, at any studio, would sign his petition in support of releasing the movie, for fear of making themselves targets as well. Now, he says, it’s vital that “The Interview — silly comedy or not — be put in the hands of viewers.
“Stick it online. Do whatever you can to get this movie out,” Clooney said. “Not because everybody has to see the movie, but because I’m not going to be told we can’t see the movie. That’s the most important part. We cannot be told we can’t see something by Kim Jong-un, of all f–king people.”