Abigail Breslin Accused of Calling Taylor Swift an "Unstable Cat Lady" on Twitter—Is Their Catfight Real?

Abigail Breslin Accused of Calling Taylor Swift an "Unstable Cat Lady" on Twitter—Is Their Catfight Real?, Abigail Breslin was accused of calling Taylor Swift an "unstable cat lady" on Twitter. Hollywood Life, MTV and Us Weekly, among other outlets, assumed that the actress was mocking the pop singer via the social networking site Thursday after she modified the lyrics to Swift's "Blank Space."

Addressing her 168,000 followers, Breslin, 18, tweeted, "Cuz darling I'm a nightmare dressed like an emotionally unstable cat lady." In the hook, Swift, 24, sings, "Cuz darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."

Breslin, who just released her own ex-boyfriend-bashing pop single, "You Suck," explained what she meant later that night. "To clarify: my tweet earlier quoting a taylor swift lyric was me saying I AM AN EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE CAT LADY," the Perfect Sisters actress told the media. "NOT TAYLOR. JSYK."

Swift, meanwhile, has not commented via her own Twitter account. Call off the catfight! Both stars are self-proclaimed cat ladies, however.

Breslin announced on Dec. 8 that her kitten "has a Twitter @notailnoprob," and Swift often discusses her feline friends, Olivia Benson and Meredith Grey. In fact, earlier this year, Swift said she'd rather stay home with her cats than go on a date. "I'm not going to compromise the happiness and independence that I've found for just anybody. The idea of a date gives me a partial panic attack!" she told People.

"But I'm fine! I have two cats. That's all I need."
Her friend and collaborator Ed Sheeran can attest to that. "She's a sort of middle-aged woman trapped in a 24-year-old's body," he told Time earlier this year.

"She hangs out with her cat and sews things." Swift likely didn't mind that Sheeran teased her in the press. After all, the "Style" singer loves her pets so much, she carries Olivia everywhere she goes! "The kitten freaks out about being put in the cat carrier," she told Access Hollywood. "So I was just like, 'OK, all right, we're gonna just do this!'"