The Top Tablets for Your Kids, Though kids these days might not have any clue how to work an Apple II or a typewriter, they know tablets. Remember that baby who tried to swipe through a physical magazine and was confused when it didn't perform like her iPad?
Market research firm Smarty Pants recently published a list of kids' top 50 brands, and Apple's tablet trumped even the most iconic kid-based brands, including Nickelodeon, Crayola, and Eggo.
"In just five years, the iPad has risen from ranking 109th to being kids' favorite brand," Wynne Tyree, president of Smarty Pants, said in a statement. "Early on, it captured the hearts of tweens and middle- and upper-class families, but [the] iPad is now an indispensable part of childhood for the masses."
But the iPad is not the only tablet on the market that will appeal to your tech-savvy toddler, tween, or teen. There are a number of Android-based slates that won't break the bank, Amazon has a new kid-focused Kindle Fire, and toy manufacturers are turning their attention toward rugged tablets that can withstand a few drops, crashes, or throws.
If the child in your life has been begging for a tablet this holiday season, or keeps stealing yours, check out our list of the top tablets you should consider.