Scandal' Winter Finale Tweet-cap: Where in the World Is Olivia Pope?

Scandal' Winter Finale Tweet-cap: Where in the World Is Olivia Pope?, This recap of "Where the Sun Don't Shine" episode of Scandal contains character and storyline spoilers.

Scandal's Olivia Pope is one hell of a master of the universe. She can fix scandals with an eyebrow quirk and has the president of the United States at the end of her leash. So, it's no surprise that someone would want to use her as leverage. No, as shocking as Liv's apparent kidnapping is, it's actually more surprising that nobody's thought to do this before to get to Fitz.

So, the winter finale of Scandal ends on quite the cliffhanger — with Liv's rare red wine spilled all over her beautiful couch. These people are MONSTERS!

She's taken — in the brief moment that Jake goes to get a blanket from her bedroom — by some group involving the vice president, who has nefarious dealings with West Angola and staged the bombing that injured him.

What does VP Andrew and his cronies want? What will it take to get Liv back? And who will clean up that red wine stain? We'll have to wait until late January to find out.

The most disturbing thing about this whole thing is that Papa Pope has been proven right — maybe Olivia did need him around all this time.

It all hits the fan

After Rowan evades capture, Fitz and Jake are all trying to fix the whole mess, as Liv just sits there, stunned beyond belief. At B613's offices, they find The Hole — where one Maya Pope resides. Well, hi there, Mama Pope! They question her on Rowan's potential whereabouts, but she doesn't give them anything.

So instead of murderous Papa Pope, Liv gets murderous Mama Pope. Happy Thanksgiving! #Scandal
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
In other "bad dad" news, Huck goes to ex Kim's house to try to talk to Javi — who witnessed his father killing someone, then dropped his ice cream, to boot — but Kim yells at him to stay away from them both.

At the White House, Fitz has two major headaches to deal with. The first is what to do with West Angola in light of the bombing that injured his vice president. The other is the leak of the sexy photos of Cyrus and Michael. Oh yes, Lizzy Bear discovered that he tapped her phone and she's hitting back … below the belt.

Dirty Cyrus! "@shondarhimes: "Oh sir. Ooooh, sir." #tgit #Scandal"
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
Liv has a fix for the scandal: Cyrus and Michael should get married. She draws up a contract, but Cyrus refuses. He won't shame the memory of James by making a hooker his second husband.

Yes, America does love a good love story, especially one with a hooker #PrettyWoman #PrettyMen #Scandal
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
As Jake tries to track down Rowan, another agent tries to kill him. Jake dispatches of him (because, come on, it's Jake!) and discovers a playing card with his own face on it. Seems Rowan is "cleaning house" at B-613.

That worries Quinn, who reaches out to old flame Charlie. He's pleased that she is scared on his behalf and their spikey banter once again turns into sexy making-out.

Quinn puts the Q in quicky. #ScandaI
— Katie Lowes (@KatieQLowes) November 21, 2014
Cards on the table

Fresh from her interlude with Charlie, a glowing Quinn returns to OPA, where Huck has figured out that Liz, Andrew, and Kubiak last met at the office of Jeremy Winslow (quick recall: the husband of Liv's friend, the father of that dead girl). Quinn manages to sneak in — using one of Jeremy's fingers, because that's how Quinn rolls — and discovers that they were meeting about something called "Waco Inc."

Jake stops by Liv's office with a present. No, not a nice bottle of red, but a gun! If Rowan is taking out B-613 agents, Liv is at risk as well, since she knows too much. When she seems hesitant, Jake urges her to run away with him again.

"We can pack up and leave all of this behind. We can close Pandora's box; we can go back to the sun," he says.

If only they could.

"The sun went down a long time ago and it's not coming back up." - Liv to Jake #noooo #olake #scandal #TGIT
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
Meanwhile, the furor over Cyrus's sex scandal isn't dying down, and he knows what he has to do. He marches into the Oval Office and tenders his resignation. At first, Fitz refuses to accept it, but Cy mournfully notes that he's become "a punchline." There's no coming back from this.

SNIFF "@jscandalp: Today sir, I'm a joke. A punchline. #thankyouforyourserviceCy #TGIT -Cy's aide"
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
As part of an investigation into Cy's sex scandal, David questions Abby about what she knew and when, especially on the night of March 25. She gently admits that she was with Leo Bergen — the entire night. Woo, Red! But David is crushed.

At Casa Charlie, Quinn is in bed when she hears his phone ringing. As she digs it out of his pants pocket, she discovers a playing card — with her face on it! Charlie's mission is to kill her! They duke it out, punching and kicking at each other. It's sexy as hell!

A fight as #EndlessLove plays in the background? We bow down, @shondarhimes #Scandal #TGIT
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
After a long day, Liv arrives home … to find the man they've been tirelessly searching for right there, drinking a lovely bottle of red. Really, Liv needs to change her locks or something (though Command probably sneers at locks).

Rowan is very disappointed in his daughter. "There would be no Olivia Pope if not for me," he claims. Guess that's technically, biologically true, but still awful to say. Then, he spits out that she "has no comprehension of love."

Rattled and angry, Liv grabs his gun. And pulls the trigger! Except nothing happens. His gun is empty.

"Never in a million years did I think you would be willing to pull the trigger," he says, shaking his head, before departing.

Did not think Rowan Pope could get any scarier. Was very, very, very wrong. #eeek #Scandal
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
Endless love

Post-fight, a bloodied-up Charlie and Quinn chat. "You hurt me," she pouts. "You hurt me first," he replies. OK, they are maybe the most messed-up couple on a show filled with messed-up couples, but it's kind of cute!

To make it up to her, and to Huck, Charlie reveals he kept some of those B613 files that disappeared — and he'll give them to Huck's ex-wife to make her understand.

A very steely Olivia Pope strides into her mother's detention cell and demands to know where Maya thinks her ex is. After all, Maya has "a Ph.D in his crazy."

But Mama Pope is as infuriatingly opaque as her former husband. And then insult of all insults, she says Liv is just like her father. That is just HARSH, Mom.

Battered, but not broken, Liv then marches to Cyrus's house to talk some sense into him. Is he really going to give up and let these people ruin him? "So, they're mean-girding you in the press?" she asks. "So what?"

Liv asks Cy if he's just going to be a bitch baby. OH HELL NO. Cyrus Beene is no one's bitch baby. Cyrus Beene make other people his bitch babies.

Now that's the Cyrus we all know, love, and love to hate! "@jscandalp: I'm nobody's little #bitchbaby! @kerrywashington #Scandal"
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
With that pep talk from Liv, Cyrus and Michael go on a talk show to announce their engagement. And just like that, he is reinstated as chief of staff.

Elsewhere in the White House, Lizzy tries to manipulate Mellie again. Except now Mellie is aware that Lizzy Bear is hooking up with Andrew, too. This no-longer-smelly Mellie already puts up with one cheating man in her life; she certainly isn't going to tolerate another.

I wonder if #LizzieBear thinks there's a special place in hell for women who sleep with other women's boyfriends.#Scandal
— Portia de Rossi (@portiaderossi) November 21, 2014
At OPA, Quinn and Huck figure out that "Waco Inc." is tied to West Angola, and that VP Andrew knew that the bombing was coming. At the same time, Andrew goes to see Fitz. Why isn't Fitz retaliating for the bombing, exactly?

Over at Liv's apartment, she invites Jake over. Olivia seems a bit … well, odd. She puts on a record and starts dancing. DANCING! And then Jake starts dancing with her. "I want Vermont with Fitz. I also want the sun with Fitz," she says.

"I choose me. I'm choosing Olivia." - Liv #damnright #shecanhaveitall #scandal
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) November 21, 2014
She also wants to have sex on the piano, but it's kind of cold and slippery, so Jake goes to get a blanket from her room. When he returns, Liv is gone. Her glass of red wine has spilled on the couch. The front door is open.

In the Oval Office, Andrew gives Fitz a menacing smile. "What is the one thing you can't live without?" the VP wonders.