Say 'I am Groot' in 15 more languages

Say 'I am Groot' in 15 more languages, Yo soy Groot! Eu sou Groot! Ich bin Groot! The stoic superhero Groot says little in "Guardians of the Galaxy," but his words "I am Groot" resonate with fans worldwide who want to quote him in their native tongues.

Fans learned in July that actor Vin Diesel, who gives Groot his gravely voice, already dubbed his lines from "Guardians of the Galaxy" in Russian, French, Spanish, Mandarin and Portuguese.

But thanks to a "Guardians of the Galaxy" featurette, we can learn how to say "I am Groot" in 15 additional languages: Spanish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Kazakh, French, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, German, Czech and Mandarin. The featurette is available now on Digital HD and 3D Digital. It will be out on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, DVD and on-demand on December 9.

The translations are displayed -- often in neon lettering -- in an entertaining supercut video of memorable scenes with Groot from "Guardians of the Galaxy." Close your eyes when running the video to see if you can identify the languages without looking.

Sadly, translations of "I am Groot" in Klingon, Dothraki, Parseltongue, Huttese, Na'vi and Elvish are not available, yet.

There's a Czech proverb that states: "You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once." With this Marvel featurette perhaps now Groot can live 15 additional lives.