Paul rudd movie quotes

Paul rudd movie quotes, Wanderlust' movie quotes, with video clips. include some of the best, funniest lines from this 2012 comedy film starring Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston. In 'Wanderlust,' George (Rudd) and Linda (Aniston) are living the dream in New York City: great jobs, great life. But when George loses his job, they realize they have to make a change.

They eventually wind up at a remote commune, where they meet an array of interesting people that make them question how they've been living. Enjoy these 'Wanderlust' quotes, and if you see a favorite, vote it up. If you know of a great quote from 'Wanderlust' that isn't on this list, add it.

'Wanderlust' is written and directed by David Wain ('Wet Hot American Summer,' 'Role Models' and the MTV sketch series 'The State'), and it reunites several members of the casts from both movies and 'The State.' 'Wanderlust' made headlines, in part, after two of it's co-stars, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, began dating.

In the movie, Theroux plays Seth, a hippie who insists that the Elysium Bed and Breakfast/commune is more of an "intentional community." No, it's pretty much a commune. Can Linda and George put aside their lives in order to fit in and be happy at Elysium? And what are the best 'Wanderlust' Marisa quotes?