Hot air balloon proposal goes wrong

Hot air balloon proposal goes wrong, Eric Barretto would propose to his girlfriend on a hot air balloon and the newly-engaged couple would stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as they drifted over the coast against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Unfortunately, that isn’t what happened, as the aircraft crashed into the sea, the basket filled with water, and the young couple were only saved from serious harm by a group of local surfers.

According to an Encinitas, San Diego official, the wind changed as the hot air balloon headed away from shore, causing the basket to be struck by breaking waves.

Around 15 surfers clung to the rope hanging from the air balloon to pull the aircraft in, while lifeguards went out to retrieve the passengers – one of whom could not swim.

‘It was kind of dicey, because a few times the guys hanging on the rope got airborne,’ said Marine Safety Captain Larry Giles, who added that they could have been seriously harmed if the balloon deflated and came down on them.

Happily, however, the woman said yes to the marriage proposal.

Her fiancé, meanwhile, called the experience ‘unforgettable’.