Camillus de Lellis formed a religious order to care for the sick

Camillus de Lellis formed a religious order to care for the sick, Watch the new St. Camillus “Pray for Me” video on

Camillus de Lellis believed that it is the responsibility of those capable of offering help to do so, even if it means risking ones own well-being. He founded a humanitarian movement that eventually grew to become a religious Order, the Order of St. Camillus, and the fundamental aim of his organization was and is to bring medical care to anyone in need of treatment. Drawing inspiration from the example set by Jesus Christ, the Order has developed into a worldwide relief effort and continues to support like-minded healthcare workers, including those here in Wisconsin.

The Order of St. Camillus sponsors our St. Camillus campus and takes an active role in our operations. Like the Camillians, we believe in providing care to all people, providing our resident and non-resident patients with compassionate and loving care. Our wholistic approach to treatment, championed by St. Camillus, causes us to nurture the medical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health of everyone we treat; and our combination of pastoral and medical education allows us to be very effective in each area.

St. Camillus’ original band of healthcare providers believed that their ministry exemplified the healing power of Christ as they delivered health care to the sick and dying. At the same time, the efforts made by the Order were also directed towards Jesus. Any work done for the good of Jesus’ people, is also done for Jesus. At St. Camillus, we believe that we are working for Jesus everyday.

Saint Camillus – Answers the Call to Serve

Camillus de Lellis grew up a troubled and rowdy boy, often gambling and getting into fights. It was not until a leg injury, sustained during his days in the military, slowed him down that he began to recognize his true calling in life.

Hospital life gave him time to reflect and he ultimately had a spiritual and vocational awakening. It was at this point that Camillus decided to give up the rambunctious ways of his past and dedicate himself to God’s service, by administering medical care to the sick and needy.

As an ordained servant of God, Camillus formed what would eventually become the Order of St. Camillus. They would travel throughout Europe, providing care to the sick, injured, and dying, despite all dangers associated with doing so.

Camillus established the red cross as a symbol that would represent his order. Followers of Camillus wore the red cross on the chest of their black garments. Though the direct connection remains unclear, it is Camillus’ red cross that inspired the symbol and name for the International Red Cross we know today.

Camillus died in 1614 and was canonized in 1946. Since his time, the Order of St. Camillus has grown to a membership of over 1,100 priests, brothers, and students.

The Order first came to Milwaukee in 1921, when Father Michael Mueller, a Camillian, came to the United States from Germany. The brotherhood of Camillian servants he initiated here in Milwaukee still exists today and remains actively involved in the daily life of our community.