AMC offers unlimited viewings of 'Interstellar' for $19.99 or more

AMC offers unlimited viewings of 'Interstellar' for $19.99 or more, Have you seen Interstellar? Do you want to see Christopher Nolan's three-hour space epic again before it leaves the theater? And then again a third time? And if nine hours of Matthew McConaughey and reported sound problems isn't enough, do you want to see it four, five, six more times? Then you'll want to head to one of AMC's 330 movie theaters across the US that are offering special tickets that allow unlimited Interstellar viewings.

You'll need to be a member of the $12-a-year AMC Stubs program in order to get the tickets, which vary in price between $19.99 and $34.99, with a lower price of $14.99 available for people who've already paid for one ticket. AMC's Imax theaters are also included in the joint promotion with Paramount Pictures, and the higher end of the price range is presumably reserved for those who want to see the movie on the advanced screen.

As good as Nolan's film is, the new Unlimited Ticket caters mainly to obsessive fans. The Hollywood Reporter records the average price of a movie ticket in the US as $8.08, meaning a hypothetical buyer would need to sit through some eight hours of Interstellar before they started to save money. The ticket also doesn't give people a way to watch the film outside of the theater, meaning they'd have to cram their repeat viewings in before Interstellar is jettisoned from the nation's movie screens.