The biggest loser Jeremy Britt 2014

The biggest loser Jeremy Britt 2014, Fresh off one of television’s hottest reality shows, NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” Rockford’s brother-sister duo Jeremy and Conda Britt continue to work to maintain their health and motivate others after they both made it to the final three spots in the show.

After the brother and sister team made it to the finale, Jeremy, now 23, became the youngest contestant ever to win the show’s title, “Biggest Loser.”

“Life is starting now,” he said.Losing a total of 314 pounds between the both of them — Jeremy, with 199 pounds, and Conda, with 115 pounds — are now home in Rockford and setting new goals for themselves.

Conda, 24, said they were home seven weeks before the show’s finale was aired on NBC. The two have been maintaining a workout regiment to keep the weight off and also to help sculpt their bodies.

“Life after the show is where we are right now,” Jeremy said. “Keeping up with all the stuff we learned throughout the show, there’s not an end goal anymore. We have to stay focused on our health because that is the end goal — being healthy for the rest of our lives.”

Because gaining muscle on the show would have added more weight, which would have gone against what contestants were trying to do to win, Jeremy said his main goal now is to put on more muscle.

“The person that wants to be healthy and strong in me wants to be (lifting weights) on the show,” he said. “But the competitor in my head is just like ‘go for a run, Jeremy. Just go running, Just go running.’”

Now he is incorporating both cardio and a lot of weights into his routine.
Conda said she still has some weight she would like to lose now that she is home, however, she can go at her own pace rather than having to compete against contestants to get to her goal.

“If I lose eight pounds in a month, I’m happy, it’s two pounds a week,” she said. “I don’t have to lose eight pounds in a week anymore. I know I will get to my goal, but I don’t have to do it in one week.”Before the show, Jeremy said his lifestyle was not very active and was centered around “delicious things.”

Jeremy described himself as a “pizza, pasta, carb” kind of guy, and giving up the carbs and grease, to him, was torture.

But now it’s completely different. Going to the gym and other activities he likes to do no longer revolves around food.

“(The show) gives you a complete different outlook on life,” Conda said. “It helps you set your priorities a little bit different.”

Before the show, Conda spent most of her time snacking and shopping. The hardest thing, she said, was giving up sugary food while on the show.To help get through that while on the show, she and her brother resorted to dessert-flavored gum.

Now she looks forward to not only being healthy for herself but for her daughter, too, by maintaining her weight and still working to reach new goals.

Her daily routine includes working out and and enjoying things she’s missed out on during the show, such as time with her daughter and family.

“After exercising, I am doing things like (interviews) and catching up on things I lost out on (while on the show),” she said. “When we were here for seven weeks we were working and didn’t spend a lot of time with family.”

Jeremy’s routine starts with a 45-60-minute cardio workout each morning. He follows his cardio with a breakfast that includes carbs. Then he spends another hour at the gym doing weights.

In his spare time he is doing interviews and focusing on his future plans of becoming a public speaker and talking about his weight-loss journey.

“It keeps me in the public eye and is keeping me accountable for my weight,” he said.

Now that the show is over, both Jeremy and Conda are realistic on what they eat.

Conda said if she wants to have a piece of pizza, she will. Jeremy agreed, saying eat a piece of pizza, but do not eat the whole thing.You can’t take yourself away from everything or you are going to quit and eat everything in sight,” Conda said.

Through the course of the show, they learned a lot about how to completely change their lifestyles.

That is what they want to share with others, Jeremy said.

“We were given a gift and we are really appreciative of it,” he said. “Anything we can do to give back and help out.”

He really appreciates it when someone asks him for health tips because that shows him the person really wants to change their lives and will take what he says seriously.

Conda said, because they are followed by a younger group of fans, she hopes they can be a voice for them.

Knowing where they were at and what they faced from the start of the show, the Britts have no plans of looking back.

“I took time away from my daughter to change my life,” Conda said. “I am not going to go back to the way things were.”

Her brother has the same passion.

“I remember how hard it was on day one,” Jeremy said. “I don’t want to go back to it.”