Steve Nash will likely be Jeremy Lin's backup with Lakers

Steve Nash will likely be Jeremy Lin's backup with Lakers, Los Angeles Lakers head coach Byron Scott will likely bring point guard Steve Nash off the bench behind Jeremy Lin this season, as a result of health concerns, via the Los Angeles Times:

Lakers Coach Byron Scott indicated Jeremy Lin could become the starting point guard because of Nash's recurring back problems, a switch that made sense because of Nash's on-again, off-again availability.

Nash played well in the Lakers' exhibition opener but sat out their second game and pulled himself out of their third exhibition at halftime because he didn't feel right.

"I have no doubt in my mind that if I went to Steve and said tomorrow, 'You know what, I'm going to start Jeremy and the games that you're available, we're going bring you off the bench,' he's such a professional that I don't think it would be a problem whatsoever," Scott said Tuesday.

Nash didn't talk to the media on Tuesday, but he said earlier this month that he'd "do whatever is asked and what is best for the team," via the Los Angeles Daily News. His nerve, back and hamstring problems are "all connected, similar to last year," according to's Mike Trudell. Sigh.

It was only a few weeks ago that everyone in Los Angeles seemed optimistic about Nash. He reportedly looked great in scrimmages and the debilitating nerve issue had reportedly improved. Back then I wrote that Nash fans should be careful about getting too excited, though, as training camp and preseason hadn't started yet. While he's extremely dedicated to staying in shape, there was no telling how his body would handle real games and long practices. Sadly, things are not going well on that front.

If Nash, 40, can't be counted on to be available, it makes sense for Scott to go with Lin in the starting lineup. It's debatable who's the better player, but if you're Scott you don't want to be constantly shuffing the starters around. You might as well let everyone get comfortable with Lin, and hope that Nash will be able to suit up more often than not. The situation can always be re-evaluated if Nash's health takes a turn for the better.

Nash has said repeatedly that his only goal this season is to enjoy himself. After two stressful and disappointing seasons in Los Angeles, he just wants to end his career on his terms. This will be his last season, so let's just hope he gets to do that.