Sons of guns stars arrested

Sons of guns stars arrested, Sons of Guns star Stephanie Hayden has been arrested for child abuse, along with her husband Kris Ford. The two were booked in Louisiana on Friday, October 24th.

Officials in Louisiana’s Parish of Livingston gave an exclusive statement to popular gossip website TMZ, in which they gave details surrounding the couple’s arrest. Ford was the main perpetrator of the incident, with authorities giving the statement that the man had subjected Hayden’s son to such a ferocious belt beating that he bruised. The nine-year-old has no direct relation to Ford, being that he was the child of the former reality television star’s former relationship with a different man. Her current boyfriend alleged exhibited the violence in the same general way as a spanking, by aiming the belt at the children’s bottom area during the event. Hayden herself is not said to be under investigation regarding any first-hand abuse of her child, but was placed under arrested and brought into custody because she was in the room during the alleged cruelty and is said to have done nothing to prevent it from continuing. There is not yet any word regarding whether one or both of them have been released on bail or what the upcoming proceedings hold for the two of them.

The Hayden family has been the subject of extremely dramatic public controversy in the past few months. Near the end of the summer, father William was arrested twice in two weeks upon charges of child molestation and an aggravated crime of nature after both his daughter’s claimed that he had forced them to be the subject of sexual abuse. The original case was centered around the father’s alleged actions towards one of his daughter’s when she was 12, an investigation that was originally dropped after the girl was investigated by Louisiana child services and found to be unharmed. Two weeks later, however, the girl gave a statement to child services detailing the parameters of her abuse, leading to the arrest of her father in Baton Rouge. The man himself has since remained adamant that the accusations are simply not true, but rather the result of a bitter feud with his ex-wife, who is also the younger girl’s mother. Hayden says that his ex was merely jealous of the fact that he and his new fiancée were raising the girl together, prompting her to pull out all the stops in ruining his life because he was the one that terminated their relationship and chose to move on with his life.

Shortly following the second arrest, Stephanie Hayden came forward with the statement that her father had exhibited the same inappropriate sexual conduct towards her, and that she was fully willing to cooperate with investigators and give evidence backing up her claims. Her current husband took to social media shortly following the news of her statement, posting a Facebook update that detailed his disgust regarding the alleged actions of his wife’s father, saying that the healing process was nowhere near reaching finality for the two of them. The eldest Hayden daughter’s statement claiming abuse came as quite a shock to many, as she had originally defended her father and said that he never did anything but love his children and be the best parent he could possibly be.

It remains to be seen what punishment Stephanie Hayden and husband Kris Ford face regarding their recent arrest for child abuse. More details surrounding the matter have yet to be revealed.