Shoshana Roberts 108 Catcalls

Shoshana Roberts 108 Catcalls, For 10 hours, Shoshana Roberts strolled through the streets of New York City where she received over 108 catcalls. Roberts and her boyfriend Rob Bliss, took part in the social experiment in collaboration with Hollaback!

The Shoshana Roberts 108 catcalls video was transformed into a PSA, highlighting the impact of street harassment. For 10 long hours, Roberts walked silently through NYC as her boyfriend secretly filmed.

The NYC woman was harassed over 108 times. Some men called her names like “sweetie,” “baby” or “beautiful.” Others asked her, how was she doing? How was her day? Or, where was she going? Few asked her for her phone number.

A couple of disrespectful males commented on her physique. One man went as far as following her for more than five minutes in order to have a better view of her derriere and breasts. It is worth noting that Shoshana Roberts was sporting a plain t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a backpack.

Miss Roberts was appropriately dressed for the hot August day, the footage was filmed. One brave man walked next to the actress for several minutes and asked her to go out with him. When she failed to answer, he demanded to know, was it because he is ugly?

Few scolded her for not smiling. Others blasted her for not being responsive to their unwanted and unsolicited compliments. While filming, Roberts noted:

“I’m harassed when I smile and I’m harassed when I don’t. I’m harassed by white men, black men, Latino men. Not a day goes by when I don’t experience this.” –

Roberts went on to add:

“On a daily basis — this day included — feels awful. Some days I love talking with people and interacting, and I smile as I go down the street. Some days it brings up the sexual assault that occurred in my past.”