Shoshana roberts 108 catcalls

Shoshana roberts 108 catcalls, Strolling through New York City for a day is no walk in the park, one woman found after being catcalled 108 times.

Shoshana Roberts, a “New York City-based actress with a black belt,” according to her website, was followed around and pelted with unsolicited comments while walking through the city for 10 hours.

The disturbing clip, filmed by Roberts’ boyfriend, Rob Bliss, was turned into a public service announcement in collaboration with Hollaback! The organization tries to combat street harrassment.

During a day in August, Bliss walked in front of Roberts with a camera hidden in his backback, according to Hollaback!

“I’m harassed when I smile and I’m harassed when I don’t,” Roberts said, according to NBC. “Not a day goes by when I don’t experience this.”

Roberts, wearing jeans and a black T-shirt, walks the entire 2-minute video in silence, with two mics in her hand that pick up the disparaging remarks.

“Hello, good morning,” one man says while he walks beside Roberts for five minutes.Someone’s acknowledging you for being beautiful,” another man says. “You should say ‘thank you’ more.”“You don’t wanna talk?” asks another man walking beside her. “Because I’m ugly?”

He persists, “If I give you my number would you talk to me?”

Between 70% and 99% of woman are catcalled or harassed at some point in their lives while walking down the street, according to Hollaback!