Secrets revealed by the help

Secrets revealed by the help, We all have skeletons in our closets, but when you're a celeb, you have to protect that closet with a heavy-duty lock. That's why many stars make their assistants, nannies, housekeepers and bodyguards sign non-disclosure agreements. Still, some secrets manage to slip through the cracks. Find out which stars have been betrayed by the help.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga likes to get very close to her assistants. Very close. Her former assistant Jennifer O'Neill made this outrageous claim about the pop star in a heated court battle over overtime pay.


Tony Barretto wasn't just Britney's bodyguard. He tried to protect her sons too, which is why he made this allegation when he was deposed in court during Britney's custody case with Kevin Federline.


Being Courtney's assistant can't be easy. And according to the rocker's former assistant Jessica LaBrie, it can be downright illegal.


The Gosselin household is a crazy place, but it's not because of the eight kids running around. Nope, we'd attribute it to Kate's insane house rules, which a former nanny revealed recently.


Considering the fact that Naomi once hurled a Blackberry at former assistant Rebecca White's head, it's no wonder Rebecca let the cat out of the bag about her former boss's weird quirks.


Madge is looking fab at 56. Perhaps that's because she reportedly has this weird rule at her house, which was revealed by former nanny Melissa Dumas.


Before you contemplate working for Alanis, you oughta know what her son's former nanny Bianca Cambeiro took her to court over.


You'd think that celebrities would pay their assistants big bucks. Not so, says Flo Rida's former assistant Mahogany Miller.


It must be tough to be LiLo's bodyguard. And although her former bodyguard Lee Weaver was up for the challenge, he claims that he had to go above and beyond while working with the troubled starlet.


Julia has a pretty squeaky-clean image, but according to a former bodyguard, she's a lot dirtier than you think.


One of Jennifer's former bodyguards had a salacious tale to tell about the actress. We're sure there will be a line around the block of potential employees when word gets out.


We all knew that the Kardashian-Jenner matriarch was a tough cookie, but according to the family's former nanny Pam Behan, Kris got bent out of shape about a certain veggie.