Samsung Galaxy S5, The Samsung Galaxy S5 may join the LG G3 in getting updated to Android 5.0 Lollipop before the end of this year. Earlier today, an LG rep apparently said as much regarding his company's current flagship smartphone.
Now though it looks like LG's arch-rival from its home country of South Korea doesn't want to be left behind. According to a new rumor, Samsung will start rolling out the Android 5.0 update for the Galaxy S5 sometime in December.
That's when the deployment will commence, though as usual it will take a few weeks for all regional versions of the S5 to get the new bits. Still, given that Google has yet to release a final variant of Lollipop, this would be a very fast update timeline for both the G3 and the S5, and the new software would come much sooner than for past flagships getting Android version bumps.
A test build of Lollipop for the Galaxy S5 got previewed a few weeks back, and since Samsung was clearly already working on the update at that time, the rumored release time frame may just pan out. We'll have to wait and see.