Ray Rice Costume

Ray Rice Costume, Ah, it's a magical time of year: when candy corn flows like water, photos at pumpkin patches litter our social-media feeds, and tasteless, blindly offensive costumes begin surfacing and going viral.

This week, a strong contender for most offensive Halloween Costume emerged when some guy dressed up like former Ravens running back Ray Rice, complete with his very own Janay Rice — a black female blow-up doll to drag around.

Despite the photo’s origins on the “Funny” subreddit category, no one found the racist and sexist costume amusing — especially not Janay Rice herself, who saw the photo on TMZ today. She tweeted in response:Sexist, racist, and making light of a horrible incident of domestic violence? Congratulations, nobody thinks you’re funny but you just won Halloween's Most Tasteless Topical Costume.