Natalia tena game of thrones

Natalia tena game of thrones, Osha is a woman of the Free Folk, who live north of the Wall. Thus, she worships the Old Gods of the Forest. Due to the rising threat of the White Walkers, Osha fled south of the Wall, and now she is in service to House Stark of Winterfell. In fact, she is the protector of Bran Stark, and she would die for him.

Loyal, brave, and absolutely clever, Osha is one of the most positive character in Game of Thrones:

“You must protect them. You’re the only one who can!” Master Luwin said to Osha, regarding Bran and Rickon Stark, before dying.And how about Natalia Lena? How about our Scorpio celeb?

Natalia Tena was born in London on November 1, 1984. And she is also known for playing Nymphadora Tonks in the Harry Potterfilm series.

“I love the fact that little kids think I’m a witch. A mum might come over and say ‘I’m sorry to disturb you, but my daughter thinks you’re in ‘Harry Potter.” I’ll say ‘That’s cool’ and take the kid aside and say, ‘I’m a witch. If you don’t listen to your mum, I’m going to haunt you!’ It’s brilliant. I can scare kids into doing their homework.”

In fact, Scorpio women have a great sense of humor. They are exotic and magnetic, and extraordinarily intuitive. Don’t you love them? A Scorpio woman is the sexiest and most mysterious of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Enjoy your day, Yareah friends. Art is everywhere and up to you!

Video: Robb and Theon captures Osha.