Napoleon bonaparte head be shaved and his hair divided among his friends

Napoleon bonaparte head be shaved and his hair divided among his friends, What would life and death be like if we didn’t get a couple of curveballs thrown our way? It might be a little easier, but it would certainly be less interesting. No one knew that better than the folks in this blog that had some pretty odd final requests after they passed away. Read on learn a little more about their crazy requests.

Harry Houdini

Ever the magician, Houdini’s last wish was that his wife hold an annual sĂ©ance for him so that he could “reveal” himself to her. The interesting thing about this wish is that he wanted this belief to be dispelled. He had tried to contact his deceased mother for years doing the same thing, but had no results. Thus, he gave his wife a secret note that had 10 random words on it. She was to ask for him to communicate those words back to him during the sĂ©ance to prove it was really him. They held sĂ©ances at Halloween for 10 years after his death, but never had any success.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Is it really any surprise that he’s on this list of odd requests? This ruler requested that, upon his death, his head be shaved and his hair be divided up among his friends. Though the reason for this was never really understood, his friends did keep his hair and when some recent tests were performed on the hair, it revealed very high traces of arsenic, taking the theory that Napoleon was assassinated by arsenic poisoning to a higher level of probability.

John Bowman

This wealthy man had the sad fate of experiencing the death of his wife and daughters before his own. However, when he came nearer to death, he became convinced that, when he died, his entire family would be reincarnated together. So, as part of his will, he had a trust of $50,000 set up to pay his staff of servants to keep up his 21 room mansion and prepare dinner each night in case he came back to life.

Jack Benny

This might qualify as the most romantic post death arrangement. Benny’s marraige to Sayde Marks was by no means perfect, but the two were still very much in love when he passed away Christmas morning in 1948. Part of his last wish was that his wife have one red rose delivered to her every day after his death. And the wish was carried out every day for nine years until she also passed away.

Angel Pantoja

You’ve likely never heard of this fellow, but his last request was so bizarre that we had to put him on this list. Angel’s final wish was that he be standing at his own funeral. That’s right, the deceased was embalmed in such a way that he was able to be standing, in his mother’s home, for the entire three day wake.