Jury convicts Allen Prue in Melissa Jenkins murder

Jury convicts Allen Prue in Melissa Jenkins murder, Family members and friends of Melissa Jenkins gathered at The Creamery Restaurant Wednesday after arriving back in Danville from Burlington, where they had attended the trial for the man freshly convicted of killing Jenkins.

Two and a half years ago when Jenkins' body was found, they had done the same thing: gathered in remembrance of their daughter, sister, friend and teacher.

Early Wednesday afternoon, about 50 people flocked to the restaurant before it opened. Many drank white wine in rocks glasses instead of in wine glasses, just as Jenkins had, restaurant owner Marion Cairns said.

Just hours earlier, the jury handed guilty verdicts to Allen Prue, 32, of Waterford for first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and attempted kidnapping of Jenkins., A group of family members and friends stayed in Burlington for the two-week trial. Allen Prue's wife, Patricia Prue, is also accused in the murder and will be tried separately.

"No one won," Cairns said Wednesday afternoon, reflecting on the verdict. Cairns had attended the trial. "It's very sad. There isn't much to say. There was some closure, but we know we're going to have to go through it again. It's a really hard thing."

Along with her full-time teaching job at St. Johnsbury Academy, Jenkins worked at The Creamery Restaurant part-time for 12 years before her death in March 2012. Cairns said she had known Jenkins since she was a girl.

Several of those who had gathered at the restaurant Wednesday left momentarily to thank the Vermont State Police troopers and Caledonia County State's Attorney Lisa Warren for their work on the case, Cairns said.

"She was a dear girl," Cairns said of Jenkins.

Earlier Wednesday, many of Jenkins' family members declined comment when leaving the Burlington court after the verdict was read. Jenkins' aunt, Linda Gadapee of East Haven, said the verdict is a "big weight off" the family's shoulders.

"We've been waiting for ... this to come," Gadapee said. "It's been hard… I think it turned out the way we wanted it to. All the evidence was there. You couldn't dispute the evidence."

'Guilty, your honor'

Less than one hour after the jury resumed deliberations Wednesday morning, Judge Robert Bent asked the jury spokeswoman about the overall verdict of the jury for Allen Prue.

"Guilty," the juror said, causing a small gasp in the Vermont Superior Court room in Burlington.

Allen Prue hung his head and began to cry as Bent asked the juror what the verdict would be for each charge.

First degree murder: "Guilty, your honor," she said.

Conspiracy to commit murder: guilty.

Attempted kidnapping: guilty.

Allen Prue's reaction to the verdict was one of the only times he had shown emotion during the two-week trial.

Friends and family members of Jenkins began to cry, and hugged each other as Allen Prue was led out of the room. Vermont State Police troopers shook hands.

Allen Prue's mother, Donna Prue, and his sister were absent as the verdict was read.

The verdict by the jury of six men and six women came after nine days of testimony and six hours of deliberation. Jurors had ended deliberations Tuesday evening, deciding to come back Wednesday morning for their final decision.

Patricia and Allen Prue lured Jenkins from her home by telling her they needed help because their car had broken down, police have said. Jenkins' car was found on Goss Hollow Road in St. Johnsbury with the engine running and son sleeping in the backseat. Her beaten, nude body was found a day later in the water at a Connecticut River boat access area in Barnet.

Allen Prue told police in a seven-hour interview that he and his wife wanted to "get a girl" and "wanted somebody they could play with," Warren told jurors.

Prosecutors also said that the Prues developed an obsession with Jenkins, and that the murder was well-planned.

A tough case
Heading out of the courtroom Wednesday morning, Warren told reporters she was pleased with the jury's verdict.

"You always have questions of what the jurors are thinking, but I think the evidence we brought was very good in the case," Warren said. "The detectives worked very hard, and I was behind the case 100 percent."

Warren said she had no comment on Patricia Prue's trial, but she said that trial will most likely be held in February.

Allen Prue's attorney Bob Katims had said that Patricia Prue carried out the murder without warning her husband.

Reached by phone early Wednesday afternoon, Katims said he plans to file an appeal to the case. Katims said a motion to suppress Allen Prue's confession, which was denied before the trial, was a "significant error" by the court, as well as the court's decision to exclude from trial a psychiatrist's testimony and report on Patricia Prue's diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.

"We're obviously very disappointed with the jury's verdict," Katims said. "We'll be asking for a new trial. If the court denies that, then obviously, there would be the sentencing, but we plan on taking this and other issues to the Vermont Supreme Court ... We'll continue to fight the case."

Restaurant owner Cairns said she had been concerned after the jury broke Tuesday evening that the jury would return an unfavorable verdict the next day.
"It was a tough case," Cairns said. "You never know how anything is going to turn out. Allen got a very good lawyer. He did a wonderful job representing (Allen Prue)."

Phone calls to faculty members at St. Johnsbury Academy, where Jenkins worked, were not immediately returned following the verdict on Wednesday. A secretary for Headmaster Tom Lovett said he was out of town.

Judge Bent gave both Warren and Katims two weeks to file post-trial motions. A sentencing hearing has yet to be scheduled, as Judge Bent has not decided if the hearing will take place in St. Johnsbury or in Burlington.

Vermont State Police Capt. J.P. Sinclair, one of the case's investigators, said he was happy with the outcome of the case as well. Sinclair said he believes justice was served on Wednesday, but that the case was not over.

"We have a second trial coming up, so we'll be ready for that," Sinclair said.