Jocelyn Wildenstein wants to look like a cat

Jocelyn Wildenstein wants to look like a cat, We have seen many celebrities are eager to pay and take high risk to have plastic surgery treatment just to have youth appearance. However, many people not only want to look younger with using plastic surgery treatment.

Jocelyn Wildenstein is great example if you want to know the extreme plastic surgery treatment that have ever used. She has dedicated her life to have appearance like a cat. Because of that, she has done many complex plastic surgery treatments.

The reason why she decided to have appearance as if a cat is that her husband is really loves with cat. That is her motivation to take high-risk plastic surgery treatments.

For you who want to know the example of extreme plastic surgery treatments that have used, then you can read the detail plastic surgery treatments that have used by Jocelyn Wildenstein through this article.

The first plastic surgery treatment that used by Jocelyn is filler injection. This treatment is used to make her face look like a cat. Looking from her appearance, she might need a lot of filler injection.

Beside of filler injection, Jocelyn also took brow lift treatment. It clearly shows that she has higher brow position than normal women. The result is good enough because she can replicate the cat appearance on her face.

Unfortunately, after spending about $ 4 million, she decided to have human appearance again. We still do not understand why she wants to look more human again after taking so much plastic treatments before.

However, we need to say that will be harder to redo the entire plastic surgery process that she has done. It will need more money and time to spend. Beside of that, she will need to face other high risk again to gain her old appearance.