Thursday 30 October 2014

Janay Rice Responds To Offensive Ray Rice Halloween Costume

Janay Rice Responds To Offensive Ray Rice Halloween Costume, Every year it seems there's a new offensive Halloween costume that no one should wear. Yet, someone always tests the waters anyway. This year, one of those not-so-funny options is Ray Rice — because isn't it hilarious and clever to dress as a man who beat his wife?

The former Ravens running back was released from his team in September after footage emerged of Rice knocking his wife, Janay, unconscious in an elevator. That very footage is now the theme of a rather disturbing costume.

TMZ posted a photo, obtained from Reddit, of a man wearing a Rice jersey and dragging a blow-up doll behind him. The man and doll are meant to imitate the disturbing scene from the elevator footage that showed Rice assaulting his wife.