George clooney amal alamuddin wedding

George clooney amal alamuddin wedding, Unless you've been living on a mountain top, you've no doubt heard about the celebrity wedding of the year between George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin.

And while usually the gossip would be, “Who’s the lucky woman to snag George Clooney”, it turns out that George, in his own words, “married up.” And “up” is Amal Alamuddin: respected barrister, UN adviser and international human rights activist. Her impressive resume aside, Amal has also captured the heart of the fashion world, mixing First Lady elegance with European flair at the celebration leading up to their wedding in Venice, Italy.

And with the official "I dos" behind them, the Clooneys opted for a second celebration just outside of Amal’s hometown of London (in Berkshire, to be exact) and just like the wedding photos, PEOPLE magazine secured exclusive details including – you guessed it – the menu. (The Dansefield website has October weddings starting at £95 per person, but we’re guessing this menu cost a smidge more. Or buckets more.)

So, with the Thames River at their feet and 200 guests (including dignitaries, politicians, journalists and lots and lots of family members), this is the food George and Amal chose to mark this very chichi occasion. (Some of the dishes are available on the Dansefield House Hotel and Spa’s dinner menu here.)

The Drinks: Custom his-and-her cocktails: tequila, citron vodka, lime and ginger ale (hopefully Canada Dry) for him and vanilla vodka, passion fruit liquer and lime juice for her. No word on if cute, punny drink names were deployed.

The Dishes: Foie gras with brioche, roast filet of beef, sea bass with baby fennel, and strawberry tart for dessert. There were multiple options, including smoked salmon with soda bread, risotto and mousse au chocolat.

Amal wore a shimmery, golden gown (judging by the invite, art deco may have been the theme) and George was affable and charming with Amal’s many relatives. For someone who swore up and down he would never, ever get married, George certainly nailed it.