Daniel radcliffe dog walker

Daniel radcliffe dog walker, Ever since a photo surfaced earlier this summer of Daniel Radcliffe surrounded by approximately one hundred dogs on the set of the new Judd Apatow movie, one important question has remained unanswered: Where, oh where, did he find that magnificent belt apparatus to which the dogs are clipped?

In an appearance Tuesday on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” Radcliffe finally admitted: the belt was totally his idea.

“I’d seen a guy walking down the West Side Highway, walking a lot of dogs like that, and he looked hilarious,” the actor explained. And when he was offered the chance for this dog-walking cameo?

“I thought that was essential equipment.”

In addition to complimenting his canine costars and discussing the novelty of doing an entirely improvisational role, Daniel also opens up in the interview’s other half about exactly how many peanut-butter-and-jelly-and-bacon sandwiches he ate voluntarily on the set of “What If.”