Celeb baby bumps

Celeb baby bumps, We can't get over all the pregnant ladies in Hollywood these days (including a "Gossip Girl" actress), and they just love showing off their growing baby bumps. Click through and see if you know who these mamas-to-be are!

This former child star has been engaged to her beau for a while now and has been vocal about her desire to start a family.

This TV actress already has two other children, but she waited for the Emmys red carpet to confirm that her third bundle of joy is on the way.

This former girl band member turned solo singer has had a busy summer. Not only did she get hitched, she also announced that she's expecting a baby. And while she's shared glimpses of her bump on social media, her red carpet debut at the VMAs was amazing.

When she was just a teen, this MTV reality star gave her first child up for adoption. But she recently announced her second pregnancy on Instagram.

This reality-TV starlet already has two tots with her beau. Though the couple still has no plans to wed, she's now expecting her third child.

This singer not only has a beautiful "Voice," she's also already a mom to a little boy.

This pregnant star may have kept her little bundle of joy under wraps for a while, but she seems more than excited to become a family of three instead of two and a half.

We were pretty surprised when this woman announced she was engaged to a French journalist in September 2013, but we were even more shocked when this voluptuous actress announced she was expecting her first child.

This reality star is already mom to a little boy, but the blond mama is excited to have just added a daughter to her family.

This pint-size reality star radically transformed her life when she got pregnant the first time. And now that she's got the mom thing down, she's excited to have added a daughter to her family.

Once upon a time, this actress fell in love, got married and had a cute baby boy.

This beautiful singer rocked a lot of feminine white dresses while pregnant, but we imagine white will be hard to wear now that her little man has arrived.

This first-time mama went from dating a high-profile bachelor, to marrying a tech businessman in a low-profile wedding. And now they are parents!

Life is uncomplicated for this actress, who got married last summer and recently announced she's expecting her first child.

We may see her every day, but this "Today" host surprised everyone when she announced that she was expecting her first child.

Before welcoming a baby girl, this reality star stepped out at the MTV Movie Awards with her fiancé and her pint-size BFF and co-star.

This Victoria's Secret model already has a son with her DJ husband, and she just welcomed a daughter.